
Ms. EatsPlentyOfCheeseburgers sent me the photo above today, and it got me to thinking. I don’t think women really understand the definition of what pants are.

So let’s review.

Pants–according to Merriam-Webster–are  “an outer garment covering each leg separately and usually extending from the waist to the ankle —usually used in plural”. From the waist to the ankle people. Thus, your ass crack playing free bird does not count as wearing pants. Furthermore, pants are to be COVERING each leg from the waist to the ankle. Thus, if I can see your underwear, or your skin in any fashion, through your “pants”, you fail. You not wearing pants, and you need to spare yourself some embarrassment and others their eye sight, and change.

For those of you would need a visual diagram to assist in the learning process…

This are pants:

These are not:

Pants of an acceptable nature:

Pants of a not so acceptable nature:


Not pants:

As you can see the art of finding acceptable pants is seemingly difficult, so when in doubt, check for 3 things:
1. Are they see through?
2.  Are they so tight that it’s causing unsightly things to appear?
3. Is your ass crack showing (to include when sitting or bending over)?
If you answered no to all three questions (honestly), you should be set to appear in public with pants on.

Party Dress

Next weekend I am attending a birthday party in fabulous NYC with PR. It is set on a boat that goes out on the Hudson. Suppose to be wonderful, over the top, glitz and glamor. Problem is I need a dress, and I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg for it. I went shopping some yesterday and it was an epic fail. I only found one dress I liked and it was too small. I mean way too small. After a moment of frustration, iamsohip and I decided that dress shopping is all well and fine until you actually need a dress. Then it turns into never being able to find one that you like or are will to pay the price tag for. Overrated.

Now since I live in a 3 stop light town my choices on shops is quickly reduced to pretty much nothing. Having already been in the only “fancy dress” store in town, I have decided to press my luck and wait until I go see Ms. EatsPlentyOfCheeseburgers this weekend. Her town has significantly more to offer and hopefully I will find something. I must.

In the mean time, I can drool over these dresses.

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

(If you click on the picture above it will give you the full size image.)

Shoes. I love them. I have over 60 pairs of shoes, and yes before you even ask, I do wear all of them. I am a firm believer in if you have shoes they should be comfortable to walk in and you had best wear them at least once a year. So with that said, I have a wish list of shoes. Now I may get a few of these, I may not, but regardless I’m going to drool over them in the mean time. (Also, if you click on any of the pictures below it will direct you to the website, if you care to purchase them.)

Dress Wishlist

So in light of the upcoming spring and summer weather (and the massive amount of events that I am attending in the next few months), I have created a wishlist of dresses for the summer. Now, more than likely I will not actually purchase these, but I can dream damn it! Plus it’s called a wishlist for a reason.

Cab Goes Bananas

This is just a horrible accident. This poor man driving the cab ran off the road and struck a group of people. None were injured but the crowd was pissed off. They pulled him out of the car and beat him. And now America sounds like a third world country. Sweet.

In all seriousness though, can you imagine just standing there and all of a sudden you are face to face with a car? Wow. It’s a very terrifying thought to me. One of my larger fears is being hit by a car. I have no idea way, but it’s to the point that in get a bit nervous crossing the street. I think some of it boils down to the fact that I know a majority of drivers aren’t paying attention. They are eating, talking, messing with the radio, texting, reading the news, applying makeup, etc. Basically any and everything but actually driving. Now I’m guilty of all of the above and then some, but that doesn’t make it ok. I know I’m playing with death, but I still do it. Why I can’t tell you. Maybe for the thrill? Regardless, cars scare me when I’m not in control of them. That taxi driver could be anyone at anytime. Goes to show you that even when you think you’re in control you aren’t.