Letter Update

Dear Key Pal [Mr. Greek],

Yes. I met a dude at a bar and had a healthy conversation. His name is [Waynesboro]. Since then it has been polite hello’s and excuse me’s. But that’s it and I’m cool with it. He’s one of those quiet nice guys that never gets noticed. Which is all well and fine but I’m not going out of my way to make friends.

However, the man front is ever changing and I have a new flavor of the month. His name is [Sunny] and he lives in California. I knew him prior to him moving there but I really know how to pick them right? At least sex can’t complicate this one. Only distance, which is exactly why the last relationship bit the dust. Well he also sucked at communication. Nevertheless, that’s where the revolving door of men currently stands.

Also, can’t remember if I told you or not but I had surgery last month. Just got my results back and I’m in the clear. Whoop!

And I’m making cookies tomorrow.

How’s your life? Ballin out in the desert?


Key Pal [Nelson]